Macarthur ANOS: Conservation Projects Update – May 2024

Apart from the cultivation of native orchid species and hybrids, Macarthur ANOS is currently participating in 4 Conservation Projects

Native Orchids of Macarthur An ongoing survey of orchid populations in the Macarthur area has observed 109 orchid species since 2021. We are trying to recorded the biodiversity of native orchid populations across the Region.

  • Observations can be recorded using one of the following methods:
  • Email photos to
  • Posting of photos on the Macarthur ANOS Group Fb Page
  • Posting of photos within the iNaturalist App – a project within the App named Macarthur Region Orchid Search isolates all observations across the region.

The other three projects fall within the Federal and NSW Governments – Save our Species Strategy. This strategy aims to secure as many threatened species and ecological communities as possible. This conservation strategy aims to secure the species in the long term.

  • SOS – Sydney Plains Greenhood – Pterostylis saxicola   Macarthur ANOS members are currently reviewing existing populations and searching for new colonies. Currently the plant numbers are above average for this season. Ongoing discussions and site surveys with the Dept. of Environment and Heritage officer in charge are occurring.
  • SOS – Illawarra Greenhoods – Pterostylis gibbosa      Macarthur ANOS members are growing this species in cultivation. The original plant was obtained under license in 1999. DNA samples have been collected and awaiting processing. Once completed it is hoped wild pollen can be collected to strengthen the incultivation plants. Seed collection will occur in November after artificial pollinisation occurs in October. It is hoped translocation of plants back into the wild can occur in the future. A Project meeting with the Dept. of Environment and Heritage officer in charge is scheduled to occur soon.
  • SOS – Eastern Australian Underground Orchid – Rhizenthella slateri         A recent find by Macarthur ANOS members of this species in Macarthur has meant a project partnership. A site inspection with the Dept. of Climate Change Energy the Environment and Water officer in charge will occur in mid-June. DNA sampling will occur soon to see if it may be a different and new species within this genus.