Introduction       History         Life Members


Interested in learning more about and growing native orchids and their colourful hybrids, or meet with other people with similar interests? Why not visit the Macarthur ANOS Group at one of its monthly meetings.

The Macarthur ANOS Group, like all Australasian Native Orchid Societies promotes the conservation of native orchids and their hybrids through cultivation and through preservation of their natural habitat. All native orchids are protected plants in the wild; their collection is illegal.

The Macarthur Group was formed in 1990 and is affiliated with the Australasian Native Orchid Society Inc. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month, from January to December.

Meetings commence at 7.30pm, usually finishing by the Birrawa Community Hall, Fitzpatrick Road, Mt Annan.

Guest speakers are engaged for most meetings and provide information on the culture of native orchids which live on either, the ground (known as terrestrial orchids), on rocks (lithophytes) or in trees (epiphytes). There is advice readily available at meetings from experienced members should anyone have problems with their orchids. Members bench flowering plants in various classes and compete for annual point score prizes. Raffles of plants are conducted at each meeting and plant auctions are held periodically. The shapes, variety and colours of native species orchids and their hybrids vary considerably and create interest amongst the members and the general public.

The Group’s meetings are very informal, includes supper which allows plenty of opportunity for a social chat. The Group holds three shows of flowering orchid plants annually. All shows are held within the Macarthur area.

Currently our Autumn Show, Spring Show and late Spring Shows are held at Oran Park Podium. Flowering plants and seedlings of Australian Native orchids and their hybrids are offered for sale at these Shows.

Visitors are always welcome at the Group’s meetings and we are always looking for new members.

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Discussion between local native orchid growers John Riley, Chris Munson, Richard Hanman, Maurie Douglas, Alan Williams and Les Winch in early1990 at Maurie’s home in Bradbury resolved the need for an ANOS group in the Macarthur area.

An inaugural meeting was held on 9th July 1990 at Eschol Park Community Cottage in Eschol Park. At the meeting, about 20 orchid growers attended. They included Sid Batchelor, Laurie Jarvis (Vice President Central Coast ANOS), Ken Organ, Michael Harrison (Secretary ANOS), Bob and Janet Naper, Ron Worrell, David Homer. Phil Spence sent his wishes for the formation of a new ANOS Group.

John Riley chair the meeting and Maurie Douglas was asked to act as secretary. A motion was put to the meeting that a new ANOS group to be formed that night.

Norm Biffin proposed that the name of the group be:-Macarthur and District ANOS GROUP,

The initial office bearers were:

President                                          John Riley

Secretary                                          Chris Munson

Treasurer                                          Maurie Douglas

Committee                                        Les Winch

Conservation Officer                       Richard Hanman

Fees were set at $5 Single, $7 Family

Founding Members

Barry Collins, Andree Millar, Reg Bartlett, Ron Wheeldon, Norm Biffin, Richard Hanman, Graeme Bradburn, John Riley, Chris Munson, Maurie Douglas, Jim Allen, Les Winch and Terry Cooke.

Significant Dates

October 1990 Macarthur ANOS constitution adopted
November 1990 Macarthur ANOS By-Laws adopted
January 1991 Club badge discussed… some excellent computer designs were offered by Ken and Paul Jackson. However, John Riley’s design of  Diuris aequalis and it was selected on a shield shaped badge.
September 1991 Our first annual spring show at Casula Mall, Kurrajong Road, Casula. Casula Mall. Bill Kennewell won Grand Champion of Show with a plant of Diuris alba.of Diuris alba.
January 2001 John Riley recognised as first Life Member
October 2004 Macarthur ANOS hosts the 5th Australasian Native Orchid Conference at Campbelltown RSL

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Life Members

Marge Yabsley 2022

Carol and Tony Asquith 2021

Carol and Tony Asquith, Hon. members

Ross Morrison 2019

Ross Morrison Hon. members

John English 2017

John English Hon. members

Wally and Margaret Southwell 2016

Margaret and Wallie Southwell Hon. members

Wally and Margaret have been active members of Macarthur ANOS since 2002. Wally took over as President in 2005 following the Macarthur ANOS hosting of the Australasian Native Orchid Conference in 2004 that almost sent the Society into extinction.

Wally and Margaret, the patriarch and matriarch of Macarthur ANOS between 2004 and 2024, worked tirelessly to ensure the stability and ongoing existence of Macarthur ANOS. They have been the pillars of Macarthur ANOS always managing the monthly meeting and annual shows. Margaret has been the mainstay of the organisation in the background managing the suppers, library and stores whilst being the face of the organisation at the sales table at our annual shows. Wally is an exceptionally good grower of native epiphytes and terrestrial orchids.

Terry Cooke 2012

Terry was a foundation member of Macarthur ANOS Group in 1990 and an active member throughout the club’s history until his passing in May 2020. Terry attended his final meeting from his hospital bed via Zoom in April 2020.

Terry was a 10 pound Pom who married another 10 pound Pom – Rosemarie, his soul mate, who together produced two wonderful children – Marion and Mark.

Terry was a committed and passionate gentleman with strong ideals and in 1990 Terry with his good mates – John Riley, Les Winch and Chris Munson split from Campbelltown Orchid Society and decided to create a branch of the Australasian Native Orchid Society in Macarthur.

As a foundation member of the group, Terry was active on the committee holding various position but more importantly Terry was generous with his time to mentor, encourage and support members – something he did right up until the end. Terry loved helping people, giving them tips and supporting them with their passions. Terry was also a joker – playing many practical jokes on unsuspecting members with his dry sense of humour.

Terry was not only concerned with growing orchids but also in their conservation. He had an unbelievable memory and knew of most native orchid populations across the Macarthur region.

In 2012, due to Terry’s dedication and commitment he was awarded life membership to the Macarthur group. In 2017, Terry was recognized with a national award (an ACC, the Award of Cultural Commendation) for one of his cherished flowering terrestrial orchids – Corybas hispidus – both of these honours brought great pride to Terry.

At the May Macarthur ANOS Group meeting it was resolved to establish the Terry Cooke Annual Memorial Trophy to be awarded to the clubs best terrestrial grower each year – in recognition of Terry’s outstanding contribution and commitment to his orchid passion.

John Riley 2001

John was a founding member of Macarthur ANOS and at its first meeting in July 1990, John was elected its first President. John held various positions across the Macarthur ANOS executive over his time as a member and was acknowledged as its first Life Member in 2001.

John had a passion for native Australian Orchids especially terrestrial orchids and was a gifted, self-taught illustrator/ drawer. In the late 1970s, John began researching and drawing Australian native orchids – particularly terrestrial species – with watercolour pencils. Each separate drawing taking between 18–24 hours to complete. In 1992, he was awarded a Fellowship by the Australian Institute of History and Arts in recognition of his carvings and botanical artwork, joining a select band who have achieved the pinnacle of their particular field without the benefits of formal training. Over the next decade John was involved with conservation strategies in his role on the Executive of the Australasian Native Orchid Society and his support many of its local groups.

John authored many books around Native Orchids including his first, Orchids of Australia, Volume 1 by John J. Riley and David P. Banks which was released in October 2002.

John remained active in native orchid identification, conservation and native orchid surveys up until his passing in March 2022.